Work with us


Nudge is developing cutting edge ultrasound phased array technology for precise stimulation of human brain regions, entirely non-invasively.

Join our small, rapidly growing team of multidisciplinary expertise, laser focused on advancing the neuromodulation field towards a compelling and widely accessible device.

  • Design high efficiency focused ultrasound transducer arrays for in-house fabrication
  • Build a multiphysics simulation software system for informing component designs
  • Develop fabrication techniques for advancing capabilities of array manufacturing
  • Design and deliver components and architecture for a self-contained wearable ultrasound neuromodulation system
  • Bootstrap an in-house, state of the art piezo ultrasound transducer fab in San Francisco
  • Invent efficient and scalable drive circuitry for high voltage and high channel count piezoceramic transducer arrays
  • Create experiment metrology systems for advancing our understanding of ultrasound physics and neurobiology
  • Build a full stack simulation environment for neuromodulation targeting and analysis
  • Implement performant algorithms to deploy cutting edge structural and functional imaging methods from academic research
  • Design user interactions for device operation in a clinical study setting, and beyond